Technical information

Columns characteristics

ReliSorb™ SS* packed volume: 5.0 ml
Resins bed depth: 100 mm
ReliSorb™ SS particle size range: 50 - 150 µm
Operating pH range: 1 - 14
Operating temperature range:
5 – 60 °C
Storage temperature range: 5 – 30 °C (4 – 6 °C once used)

* ReliSorb™ are also available in bulk in the following grades: SS (50-150 µm), standard (75-200 µm) and EB (200-500 µm).

Pressure drop

Column dimensions:
i.d. = 0.8 cm
length = 10 cm
area = 0.5 cm2
ReliSorb™ packed volume = 5 ml
Eluent = water
T= 25 °C

Characteristics of ReliChrom™ packed columns

1Ni2+ ionic form is applied only for ReliChrom™ pre-packed columns; different ionic forms are also available upon request.
aFeed solution: 10 g/l BSA in 20 mM TRIS - HCl buffer, pH 7; flow rate = 150 cm/h.
bFeed solution: 10 g/l BSA in 20 mM phosphate buffer,
pH 7 + (NH4)2SO4 2 M; flow rate = 150 cm/h.
cFeed solution: 8 g/l Lysozyme in 20 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 5; flow rate = 150 cm/h.
dFeed solution: 20 g/l Papaine crude extract in 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 + NaCl 200 mM; flow rate = 150 cm/h.

Supply conditions

• IEX and IMAC columns: EtOH 20% aqueous solution + NaCl (final concentration 150 mM)
• HIC columns: EtOH 20% aqueous solution